What is SnailMiner?
We support GPU & CPU mining, although note that you can only use one at a time.
With our mining app, you can earn up to 3.5 SnailCoins every 15 minutes!
SnailMiner allows you to mine Monero and in return receive a SnailCoin depending on your hashrate. You get rewarded every 15 minutes and the data gets saved on our servers.
For all legal info, please, visit our EULA https://docs.snaildos.com/en/EULA
All files can be downloaded on https://github.com/snaildos/SnailMiner/releases/
When downloading the exe, we automatically download curl, curl certs, xmrig, or lolminer depending on what version you downloaded and save into a folder called “xmrig” or, again, “lolminer”.
./FILENAMERHERE -u DiscordIDhEre -t [threads]
./FILENAMEHERE YourDiscordIDHere -p [percentage of CPU]
-t <Threads> You can use this flag to specify the number of CPU threads you wish to allocate to the miner
-u <User ID> You can use this flag to specify your discord user ID.
-v You can view the time taken by certain tasks using this flag
--timings Same as -v
-s Silence the tips (Recommended if you are already familiar with the program)
--silence Same as -s
-p <Percentage> The percentage of your GPU which the miner should use
-u <User ID> You can use this flag to specify your discord user ID.
-v You can view the time taken by certain tasks using this flag
--timings Same as -v
All bugs can be reported on https://community.snaildos.com/t/bug-reporting-guide/27/4